
Qatar/Doha : Sharq Village & Spa

Par Cigars Connect,
le 18 July 2016

Located just a few minutes away from Doha’s airport, the Sharq Village & Spa is spread out from behind its high walls through thousands of square meters of pure Arabian style. This labyrinthine resort has 174 rooms, a beach, a pool, a spa, shops and a Cigar Lounge that becomes particularly enjoyable once the night is upon this fabulous place. Soothed by the Cuban sound of the group D’Habanason Trio, the passing aficionado, comfortably set in a chesterfield armchair, will be able to converse and exchange on vitolas with his Qatari counterpart. Fortunately, cigars just happen to be available near the bar entrance with great pieces such as Cohiba Lanceros (about € 48), Partagas Serie P N°2 (€ 27,50), limited edition Hoyo de Monterrey Short Hoyo Piramides 2011 (€ 36) or even, nice discoveries, the Bolivar Oryx Exclusivo Qatar (€ 32,50) !

Location : Sharq Village & Spa, PO Box 26662, Ras Abu Abboud, Doha, Qatar. / Tél : (974) 4425 6666.

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