Headline cigar : Avo Syncro Nicaragua Box-Pressed Robusto
We rarely hear about Avo. A range made by Davidoff group in the Dominican Republic it is fairly scare in our retailers. Named for the Armenian-American jazz pianist, Avo Uvezian, the brand produces complex cigars with essentially Dominican tobacco. Launched in the USA at the tail end of 2015, the new range – Avo Syncro Box-Pressed – was the first in a series of Nicaragua-made products (a second range, Fogata, is currently being launched in the States). With their unique blend of diverse origins – Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Peru – the Avo Syncros are subtle and elegant. And they have just landed in France in stylishly simple boxes.
Avo Syncro Nicaragua Box-Pressed Robusto
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Dominican Rep.
Filler: Dominican Rep., Nicaragua, Peru
Dimensions: 127 mm × 50 (19.84 mm)
Format: Robusto
Price: €11
APPEARANCE: Square body, slightly dull chocolaty wrapper.
DRAW: Good.
PRE-LIGHT: Dry wood, cocoa. Subtle but rich (gamey).
First third:
After a subtle yet tasty opening, a good volume of smoke arrives quickly. The first third is then a blend of finesse and elegance. A woody and chocolaty flavor profile establishes itself. The strength is measured, mild even, providing a creamy and indulgent sensation in the mouth. Vegetal hints (dry flowers) made themselves felt. The very pleasant first third flies by thanks to an easy draw.
Second third:
The second third shifts towards a deeper, but still refined, flavor profile. The smoke is meatier and persistent. This box-pressed robusto is very easy to smoke, not harsh in the slightest, despite the increasing strength. The construction is very homogenous, and the burn impeccable. A slight change at the end of the second third: the organic notes are accentuated, and the woody tones become oily and dark, with a hint of dry peat.
Final third:
The dry organic touches are more insistent (smoked bark) in the final third, and it becomes increasingly intense. More and more persistent, the smoke is still full-flavored and meaty. The cigar then puffs out its chest and gives you everything it’s got; with the strength building to close to tipping point. The terroir remains quite marked (cocoa beans), with mineral touches, in a fairly spicy finish.
To our great delight, Avo has started making blends of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco. This is a charming little cigar with plenty of character. Despite an uncompromising final third, it retains its coherence and subtlety. A very well-made stick and a good introduction to the unconventional box-pressed format.
Flavor: 7
Strength: 6
Aftertaste persistence: 7
Rate : 4/5
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