Toute l'actualité du monde du cigare

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Photocall : Nuit de l’Amateur de Cigare 2017

6 July 2017

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L’Amateur de Cigare N°119

6 July 2017

L’Amateur de Cigare N°119 July/August 2017 N°119 / € 9,90 + € 3,00 shipping [wp_cart_button name=”L’Amateur de Cigare n°119″ price=”12.90″]
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Quai d’Orsay becomes a strategic brand !

30 June 2017

The most recent development is the most striking news of 2017 so far: Quai d’Orsay has been launched worldwide, with two new formats that join the Corona Claro, the only survivor of the old catalogue. But why ? The idea for the brand originated in 1969, inspired by the French Minister of Finance at the time, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. Developed
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Bolivar Royal Coronas, the headline cigar

28 June 2017

Knocked off its pedestal and stripped of its fifth band in the last edition of the Havanoscope due to a flat and muddled finish, the Bolivar Royal Coronas seems to have rediscovered its luster. Based on the very inconsistent recent samples, it wasn’t clear that it would ever regain its place in the sun. Considering how the Cuban climate has
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Producers “second brands”(2) : our selection !

26 June 2017

Our selection of the best producers “second brands”, from puros long filler to blends medium filler : here are the best of the market !   Blends, medium Filler   Casa de Garcia Wrapper : Ecuador Binder : Connecticut Filler : Dominican Republic, Honduras Made in Dominican Republic From $2 to $3 Short Robusto : 100 mm × 50 (19,84 mm)
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How are famous cigar producers’ “second brands” made?

19 June 2017

A range of cigars appeared in the 1990s that were simpler and more affordable than premium cigars. Long called “bundles” due to their cellophane wrappers, these cigars have evolved to such an extent that this name doesn’t make much sense anymore and it seems preferable to use the expression “second brands” – a reference to the “second wines” that many
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Javier Sotomayor, on top of the world !

15 June 2017

Six-time high-jump world champion, Olympic gold-medalist and holder of five world records – including his famous 2.45 m jump, which has stood for more than 24 years – Cuban cigar-lover Javier Sotomayor now works for the Cuban Athletics Federation. We met him in the great Pan-American stadium in Havana.   Sotomayor’s a living legend. In Cuba, they call him Salto
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The 23rd Nuit de l’Amateur de Cigare in Paris

13 June 2017

The 23rd Nuit de l’Amateur de Cigare took place at the Espace Clacquesin in Paris. The biggest event in the world devoted to cigars brought this year together the four emblematic terroirs : Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua. A dinner prepared by the three-star chef Arnaud Lallement, the most exquisite spirits and exceptional cigars delighted the 500 participants who finished
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Why dark chocolate is a mystery to science ?

8 June 2017

The flavor of chocolate is still unexplained by science. There are no decent synthetic dark chocolate flavorings because scientists have never been able to reproduce its taste. But why not? By Bernard Burtschy Aficionados will remember the Partagas Serie D N° 3, with its maduro chocolate wrapper, which came out in 2006. Boasting four years aged tobacco, its maduro wrapper made
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H.Upmann Sir Winston Gran Reserva – Cosecha 2011

6 June 2017

Sir Winston Gran Reserva – Cosecha 2011 –  H.Upmann Puro Made in Cuba Wrapper, binder, filler: Cuba Churchill 178 mm × 47 (18.65 mm) Price: €55 Appearance: Soft and silky wrapper. Supple to the touch. Very well filled. Flavors before lighting: Notes of mushroom and wet earth. Draw too easy. FLAVORS AFTER LIGHTING: First third: A delicate and subtle start.
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When political posters use the cigar…

30 May 2017

The cigar has occupied a prominent place on posters of political propaganda since the beginning of the twentieth century. It all began in 1910 with a poster signed by Jules Grandjouan for the Railway Workers’ Union (affiliated with the CGT). Here are some emblematic posters. By Jean Pascal Grosso First appearance of the cigar on a political poster during the railway strike
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The pastry Arnaud Larher’s cigars

29 May 2017

Pastry chef and chocolate-maker, Arnaud Larher, divides his time between Athens and Tokyo. But it’s in his workshops in the 18th arrondissement of Paris that he tweaks his recipes and dreams up his creations, like his chocolate cigars that are a big hit with aficionados! One doesn’t venture into the creation of pastry chocolate cigar without having a certain affinity
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Gin Fishers : a gin from the sea !

25 May 2017

Gin Fishers, 44°, 50 cl A aromatic gin ! Spignel, wild celery, chervil, bog myrtle, wood avens, and rock samphire: these are just some of the wild herbs harvested from marshland that make Fishers gin so unique. Created by John McCarthy and distilled in Southwold, Suffolk, where the cliffs overlook the North Sea, it has an unashamedly coastal feel. The
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Introducing Ybor City, AKA cigar city

22 May 2017

The first American town to be entirely devoted to cigars, Ybor City is also famous for having inspired José Marti and his fight for the independence of Cuba. Let’s go back in time 150 years… In the 19th century, Cuba was a Spanish province whose economy was founded on slavery. But growing tobacco and making cigars is not so much
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2nd Nuit de L’Amateur de Cigare in Beirut

16 May 2017

On May 13th held the second Nuit de l’Amateur de Cigare in Beirut. Organized by the club Los Cedros and José Boughosn, a very nice dinner around the pool gathered two hundred amateurs. They enjoyed a Montecristo Petit Edmundo, a Partagas D4, a Romeo y Julieta Churchills, a Flor de Selva 20 Robusto and a FJ (a blend Costa Rica / Nicaragua designed
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Where to smoke in Seville ?

12 May 2017

 Patio de l’hôtel Alfonso XIII Calle San Fernando, 2 +34 954 917 000 This five-star hotel, located next door to the Real Fabrica de Tabacos (which is now home to Seville University), is one of the most beautiful luxury hotels in southern Spain. Its patio, in true Andalusian style, is an invitation to light up a cigar, even at
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Seville : a cigar paradise

11 May 2017

Cigars play a significant role in the history of and collective imagination surrounding the Andalusian capital. Find out more about this city of aficionados. By Laurent Mimouni It was in Seville that Europe’s first tobacco factory saw the light of day, in 1758. The idea was to consolidate the multitude of small processing workshops that had popped up all over
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Cuba: What can we expect from this year’s harvest?

10 May 2017

Favorable weather conditions and a disease-resistant tobacco variety… Everything you need to know about the 2016-2017 harvest in Cuba… It appears that there will be a good harvest this year, breaking a negative cycle that has lasted four years and adversely affected wrapper leaves in particular. The meteorological conditions have been good with less rainfall than in previous years. Many
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